Taking Chances

For those who don’t know, I made some big changes in my life at the start of 2022 - the biggest one being moving from working full-time to part-time to really focus my time and energy into trying to make it as a content creator.

In the last few months of last year, I was streaming a few times a week while trying to juggle writing reviews and doing podcasts with WellPlayed and working 38 hour weeks during Christmas retail… I don’t know how I managed to pull off what I did.

Everyone who knows me knows that I put my 110% into everything I do, and somehow I was trying to put that energy into several different parts of my life, leaving my own well-being behind in the process.

I was not going to allow that to happen again.

Fast forward to now, I’m in my third week of my new routine … and I’ve grown to enjoy it so far! It’s different every week, so I use a Google Calendar like my life depends on it (which makes me feel like a very busy woman haha).

My life now includes:

  • Streaming every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night

  • Writing, podcasting (and more to come!) for Game On Australia

  • Working as a social media manager for Two19

  • Working a couple of times a week in my retail job

  • Continuing university this week

Sometimes unless I write out a list like above, I forgot just how much I do. I have friends and family always say to me “Are you sure you’re not doing too much?” which I know they say out of love, but this time it’s different - these are things I genuinely love and enjoy.

Yes, it is a big gamble giving up my stable full-income for seeing where my content creating takes me. But I wasn’t going to allow myself to really give it a go if I didn’t take some risks and chances.

We’ll have to wait and see where this year takes me. :)

- B


My Self-Confidence Journey Online


Project Winter ~ First Impressions