Lenovo Legion Player 2

Over the month of June, I was reached out to by the team at FiveByFive Global to be part of Lenovo Legion’s campaign ‘Legion Player 2’.

The goal was to create a gaming piece for their community, and the topic I led was ‘How To Become a Twitch Affiliate’.

I wrote, filmed and edited the Legion Player 2 piece, focusing on tips and ideas which I believe would help new creators working on the Twitch platform. I took on a lot of my own personal experiences which I hope will help anyone who watches this video!

The video was published July of 2022!

Thank you to Tori at FiveByFive Global and Lenovo Legion for this amazing collaboration!


In September 2022, I created another video as part of the Legion Player 2 series centered on tips on creating a great first impression on Twitch.

It was great to work alongside Tori at FiveByFive Global and Lenovo Legion for a second time! You can watch the video below:


Lenovo Legion Mini Debates


Game On Aus